Monday, July 29, 2024

Will someone please tell or explain to Donald Trump...

the difference between a windmill and a wind turbine.

that Dr. Hannibal Lecter is NOT a real person.

that drinking bleach will not prevent Covid-19 infection.

that riding around in a golf cart is not exercise.  Nor is it really playing golf.

having your ear nicked by shrapnel, bullet or whatever is not that big of a deal. 

how to laugh.  I have never seen Donald laugh.  I don't mean making fun of others that seems to amuse him.  I mean just an old-fashioned heart felt belly laugh.

not everything is Beautiful.  

that he is not Swedish even though he has claimed to be for decades.  

that he lost the 2020 Election.

that he is Old.  Too old to be President of the United States.

that he needs to put on his Big Boy pants and debate Kamala Harris.

that he is a convicted Felon.

that picking J.D. Vance for Vice President was a Big Mistake.   It was probably not a good idea to choose a VP that called you ‘America’s Hitler”.

that Donald is going to lose again.  Big time.