Waymarking replaced Virtual Geocaching and proceeded to go astray.
According to “The Geocaching Handbook” by Layne Cameron, Virtual caches offer “beautiful or unspoiled views. A pristine view, the soothing rapids, or sand dunes at sunset…”
In “The Essential Guide to Geocaching” by Mike Dyer, a virtual cache is “tailored to those who would like to visit someplace “magical” or unique…a particular location, which has unbelievable natural beauty, uniqueness, or ambiance…Whatever the location, the object of the game is that you will see and experience what the Virtual cache creator deems truly incredible to see.”
In “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Geocaching,” Virtual caches are “a distinct, unique object...”
I became deeply disappointed with Waymarking over a year ago. Waymarking had deteriated into "Yellow Pages." Bring back Virtuals which I enjoy visiting i.e. Seven Feathers Casino Sculpture!