Friday, November 13, 2020

Thoughts on how to cope...

This list was culled from the astronauts that were living for long periods of time on space shuttles/space stations.  Plus some of my own thoughts.

It will be several months or even a year before a vaccine is found and proven safe so embrace the situation; deal with it; try to make the best of it.

You've got to have a little fun every day.

Don't watch the news or news shows on television or listen to talk radio; it will only make you anxious or worse.

Follow a schedule for daily living and stick to it (daily routine).

Go outside; Enjoy the beauty around you.

Exercise (go for a walk).

Pursue meaningful distractions/activities (pick up hobbies like reading books, writing, playing instruments, and making art.  Start a new project, study another language, and keep a journal.  It's a chance to do something different that you have maybe not done before or not had time to do.)

Stay connected (via email, mail. etc.); talk to others; help others.

TV/Movie night (with snacks).  Watch television and movie adaptations of books by authors such as Austen, Bronte and Dickens.

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