Friday, November 15, 2019

Rose Red, Geocaching name

My Geocaching name is Rose Red from the Brothers Grimm's story "Snow White and Rose Red".  Snow White was quiet and passive.  I'm not.

I grew up admiring strong girls and women: Jo from "Little Women", Jane Eyre, Mary Lennox of "Secret Garden", Caddie Woodlawn, and, of course, the original Nancy Drew.  In later years I admired Katherine Hepburn, Katherine Graham of The Washington Post, Princess Diana, Hillary Clinton (for being one classy lady and for being a thorn in Donald's side), and Senators Lisa Murkowski (R) and Susan Collins (R) for standing up for what is right.

While we are on the subject of girls and women that I have admired over the years, who are the boys and men both fictional and real that I have admired?  Tom Sawyer ("Tom Sawyer"), Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck of "To Kill a Mockingbird"), Frank Towns (James Stewart in "The Flight of the Phoenix"), and Charles Brubaker (James Brolin in "Capricorn One").   

I also admire President Jimmy Carter, President Barack Obama, John Dean (Watergate), Frank Lloyd Wright (as architect not his private life), Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). And I admire the men and women who are exposing wrongdoing in our government.

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