Monday, May 28, 2012

I parked at Delta Park MAX train station.  I rode the MAX Yellow line train into downtown Portland.  Somewhere at or near Fred Meyer on Interstate Avenue several men casually dressed and two men in suits boarded the train standing behind my seat.  Finally I looked around to see what they were doing.  They were filming a scene.   I took several photos but only one turned out well.  I was so absorbed in watching them that I almost forgot to get off the train at Pioneer Courthouse Square.

I boarded a westbound MAX train to ride to the streetcar line.  I boarded the streetcar to Powell's City of Books.  I purchased a couple books and then hopped the streetcar to 14th and Northrup.  I walked a few blocks south to REI where I used the $30 gift cards that I got from Hannah Motors.   I rode the streetcar back downtown and boarded a MAX train to Chinatown.  I visited the Chinese Garden where I had Emperors Gold Tea and almond cookies on the second floor of the Tower of Cosmic Reflections (Teahouse).  I ate most of the cookies before remembering to take a photo.  I rode MAX train back to Delta Park, shopped at Fred Meyer and back home again.

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